"Praise the Lord Chosen Women, and Happy New Year!"

It is my honor to greet you, the wonderful, Godly women that I lovingly call the Chosen Women Network! That network is made up of women that support my vision and ministry by visiting our website, reading our messages of inspiration, participating in our events, and providing financial support to enable us to continue working on our vision to 'strengthen families by providing unique support to women . . . '

This network also includes men. There are many mighty men of valor, brothers, dad, husbands and friends that are connected to us. You read, you support, you encourage, you cover and you are also a part of Chosen Women.

I had not written to you yet in 2011 because I was waiting to hear from the Lord. You see, I do not do this of my own capacity. Whether or not we continue in a like manner, in a different manner, or at all must be determined by God's will and instruction.

I remember standing in the church of a dear friend a few months ago and observed on the wall a beautiful banner indicating their vision for 2010. It had to do with it being the year of harvest. As I stood there I had a thought that a season of harvest is hard. I've never farmed but I imagine it must take great effort and labor to gather a harvest. I remember saying, "Harvest is labor. It is hard. This coming year will be a year of manifestation!"

Some of us spent 2010 harvesting crops we had planted in times past. If you spent 2010 harvesting by moving in obedience to God's instruction, direction, move and commands, receive this prophetic Word from the Lord . . . "This is now your season for MANIFESTATION! You are about to experience a few rewards of your labor. I received that for myself! I am excited about new and instantaneously manifesting favor and blessing!

It could be that you could not say that you met the requirements to receive the Word. Perhaps you have not been numbered among those who were 'working hard moving in obedience to God's instruction, direction, move and commands.' I give to you this Word. GET BUSY! On Sunday my husband said this in his message: "So many people say they want to hear Him say, "Well done. Well, you better get busy! What's He gonna say well done to? What is He going to say well done about? You doing nothing? I'm no longer concerned about what I did. That's under the blood. I'm concerned with what He told me to do that I haven't done!"

Jesus is even at the door, ready to crack the sky and gather His own. What works will you present to Him? No more excuses this year -- get busy! What are you waiting for? What has He told you to do? School? Ministry? Business? Disconnections? Connections? Forgive? Cut-off? Restore? Preach? Teach? What? If you obeyed last year, Congratulations! If not yet repent, and GET BUSY! If you are waiting for your next instruction -- STAND STILL! The Word is on the way. Do not become weary or anxious . . . Jesus has got you!

My vision for the website this year is to feature more of you. God has given me a platform. It was also given to me to empower other women of God. I want to let you know about ministry gifts all over our state who have paid the price to be called anointed. They are called AND chosen. I want you to know them, to call upon them, to use them and let them bless your ministries and lives.

I cannot guarantee you will hear from me each week this year. I am working hard on my way to becoming a licensed therapist. When the Lord leads me I will write to you.
This month I am recommending that you visit the website of Prophetess Vickie Lee of Arnion Ministries. I visited her website the other day and was so blessed by her blog entitled, "Life Elated!" Take your time and peruse the entire site. You will find beautiful and worship invoking presence music and messages full of the depth, power and encouragement. I've provided a link below to make it easy. If you need a speaker for your ministry event, or just to connect with a powerful, prayerful and anointed ministry gift I can recommend Prophetess Lee. She is a jewel, and a gift to the body of Christ.

Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell


Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.