Praise the Lord Chosen Women!

This evening I find myself in a state of reflection. As I write to you I am feeling so much gratitude for the "partners" God has placed in my life.

Last night my husband gave remarks at a worship service and began to talk about how salvation is a personal, one (you)-to-One (Jesus) matter. Then he said, "But once the matter of your salvation is addressed, is it going to take some partners for you to make THE JOURNEY to heaven -- you've got to buddy up in this walk if you are going to make it!"

Then the main speaker for the evening admonished us to stay on board this ship of righteousness though we might get into tumultuous storms. He preached that, "Even if the ship is torn apart by the storm, you can make it to safety on the broken pieces!"

I find myself still being ministered to by the words of both these men of God. And where their words lead me is to a place of gratitude for my "partners." God Himself has placed people in our lives to help us on our journey, and at times to help us hang onto the broken pieces while we make it to shore!

I personally am grateful for the new women that God is bringing into my life and the new friendships He is orchestrating seemingly out of nowhere. He has given me the opportunity to connect with women that are wholeheartedly given to prayer, to holiness and to just being sweet and kind. In this season I find great strength in your commitment to being obedient to God. I love the example that God has given into my life through you. People that live Godly bring the Words off of the page of the Bible and create an example right in our midst. (I love you Melissa, April, Tash, Vicky, to name a few)

I am also grateful for sisters that were once like spiritual daughters that have grown together with me in God. You demonstrated a willingness to pass those tests whose hard lessons are most often learned through trials and tribulations. You took the hard Words, the disappointments, the being misunderstood, the challenge to go further in God and you have come forth stronger and with more wisdom and humility. You endured the rigors of iron sharpening iron and even getting angry about it, but sinning not. Now God has seen fit to elevate you, to bring you into more of Him and even honor your faithfulness. Unfortunately It has caused you to be most hated by some -- but you are so sold out you hardly care anymore. Instead you laugh and the devil and say, "Let them hate!" (I must given honorable mention to my Sister-Friend Dee Dee -- won't be able to call you Jr. Evangelist always -- I see God doing it in your life!)

I am so grateful for those sisters that have been on this road with me for a minute and like me you have been called by God to serve His people. People do not understand all that comes with that. I am so appreciative of you going forward and fulfilling your many assignments in spite of the demonic attacks. There you are as wives, mothers, friends, Evangelists, Prophetesses, Pastors and still you complete degrees programs, navigate careers, run businesses, counsel, mentor, encourage, pray, take my calls and those of the other saints of God, and hold on for dear life with flawlessly beat faces, manicured nails, coiffed and beautiful and others that are not in your spiritual zip code could never imagine the cost of the oil. (Special mention to Yevette, Yogi, Hy, Hope, Lucretia, Shelley, Sylvia, Lisa A. and a host of others)

I am also grateful to the men in our lives that got more than they ever bargained for when they said yes to God and married these holy, souled out elect ladies. They knew that they were getting chaste and beautiful women that held their same standards of holy living. They could not have fully known that God was also adding their correct change to their lives to help catapult them into greatness-- that we were coming to help in their perfecting. They could not have imagined that we would present challenge that would be necessary for them to make it -- as they do the same for us. I am proud of them for enduring the tests and challenges that we present. Some men do not endure and fall short -- so we must acknowledge your stand.

I am EVEN grateful for the sisters that have had to be let go or that took their flight out of my life because you would not go with me into the next season. I hate that you could not handle walking in the bold truth that is necessary to continue. I hate that you could not let go of the things that you needed to let go to continue at this time. I hate that your desire to remain bitter, unforgiving, hateful, jealous, false or whatever has you bound is more important for you to hold onto than it is for you to grasp the new thing that God is doing and move forward. I have faith to believe that you will not always be there. I trust that you will one day let it go and move forward -- I just can't wait for you -- I have got to move forward.

Thank Melissa for reminding me of Jakes message on repositioning. I left my 10. I was all done with that. I did not need to remain at that comfortable place where I could do it so well. I let go so God could move me to the next level. Thing is, the next level starts at 1! It is new, and I do not really know what I am doing . . . but no worries -- I got Jesus and my "partners" to help me out as I go. We are going to make it -- TOGETHER!

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord Chosen Women!

"Right now I pray for you man of God, you woman of God. As His mouthpiece I declare the truth of the Word upon your life, knowing that the weapons formed against you are not prospering. I declare that you will soon write me, stand up in the service of the Lord to testify, or just in your heart rejoice over the testimony that God is about to give you. There has been a shift. It's still the wee hours of the morning within your shift -- it's still dark, but dawn is about to break and you are going to look around and see your enemies defeated. God Himself is fighting the battle as you stand and HOLD THE LINE!"

Last month I wrote that prophetic prayer as I sensed that many of God's elect, front line soldiers were enduring extreme and unique attacks. As I wrote, I believed God. Well, I have truly seen God answer that prayer to the utmost!

I have received calls, emails and listened to testimonies within our own church and while visiting other congregations to know that many have in fact received that prophesied breakthrough. Hallelujah!

God has sent answers; healings
; deliverances; released held up resources; exposed hidden and underlying situations, hindrances and agendas; loosed; bound -- did what was needed for so many. If you have not gotten yours yet continue to HOLD THE LINE -- it's on the way.

Knowing and personally experiencing all that God has done in the past 30 days what came to me to write about is, "Now What?" I am currently studying about King David -- specifically starting at the point of him being crowned king of Israel. We are all acquainted with his heart of worship and praise towards God. Yet like no other time in my life in Christ this man's humble approach to God has been illuminated to me. I find myself over and over again saying, "I see so clearly why this man had God's heart." (I Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22)

We know about David's many triumphs and his many failures as described in the scriptures. What is evident and shown throughout is his ability to humble himself, and to praise and worship God at every level in his existence. He had a true and abiding reverence for God.

So then, in the style of that man that so epitomizes mankind, let us do just what he did . . . II Sam. 14:6a ~ then David danced before the LORD with all his might . . .

It's dancing time saints! The appropriate response to the breakthrough is a PRAISE! In fact, praise is ALWAYS the appropriate response at every season in our life. One of my favorite passages of scriptures says it best -- again coming from King David . . . "I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth!"

Get your dance on! Whether you are praising Him for what He has done or for what He is about to do -- give God the praise that is due His Most Holy Name!
In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.