Praise the Lord Chosen Women!

It is New Year's Eve -- We Made It!

2009 was a great year of blessing in my life. I just finished listening to Hezekiah Walker's song, "God Favored Me." Feels like he wrote it just for me. That song so encapsulates my testimony this year. God not only favored me, but he restored me to a place of great joy. I am recovered from what was to have been a mortal wounding and have risen from the ashes full of hope and strong desire to keep standing for Jesus!

God assured me that He was going to continue in this season of establishing, blessing, rewarding, repositioning, and reproving for the saints of God. If 2009 did not present you with your promises, then hold on with great expectation because it is on the way!

In keeping with this, I have asked Pastor for permission to conduct a funeral service at our Watch Night Service this evening. I am going to lead the saints in burying things that are hindering them. I've got a casket ready and some sheets for them to write the eulogy as they really take time to identify what might be keeping them from fully obeying God; hindering them from living in victory, righteousness and holiness; hindering them from realizing their dreams and walking in God's vision for their lives. This will not be a homegoing -- it is going to be a funeral. We are putting those things to death and burying them!

If you are not attending the service with us tonight, might I recommend that you conduct your own funeral service as we begin 2010? Jesus is so very soon to come -- we all need to be about His business. I am determined to hear Him say, "Well done!" HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!

Beginning January 2010 Chosen Women, Inc. Website will post new blogs EACH WEEK! Many of you have requested more. You have said that these messages encourage and challenge you. This year check back each Monday for a message of encouragement. Now, say it with me, "This Is Our Year!"

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.