Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I greet you all once again in the saving name of our Lord and Savior, which is Jesus Christ!
Sometimes we do something with a genuine intent -- yet it yields horrible results. Ever happen to you? Well, it has happened to me this week.

When I write to you I write from my spirit-man, and with an open heart. I am a woman that does not mind the exposure from which many shrink. Why? Because my First Lady taught that disclosure is a part of ministry, and I accepted that. I do not have a problem sharing what I experience and how it makes me feel -- even if it exposes my humanity. I care most about somebody being saved, helped or encouraged to live his or her best life in Christ.

It has just not always been my luxury to keep quiet! LOL And it's not deep. Sometimes God just uses our lives for His purpose. Period. Didn't he give Hosea an unusual instruction regarding his choice of bride? Why? For God's own purpose. I embrace my life in Christ with all of its costs. But one thing I never, ever intend or seek to do along the way is to offend or hurt another of God's precious children.

Someone has been hurt by what I wrote to you. Yes, the principles were sound. But sharing in the way that I did has caused offense -- and that was not my intent. And so because my goal is to live by example and not just words I am removing my last post because it hurt a sister in Christ. I love her; and that's enough to take it down. Have a blessed week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
La Quin Meadows
4/4/2011 11:00:14 am

Thank you Lady Lisa for what you've written. I believe it is always easy for someone who is not truly involved in a work to say what the work you have to do requires. I do know the key is OBEDIENCE to the voice of the God you serve. As long as you do that, you're good. Blessings to you. I am encouraged to move forward.

4/5/2011 06:04:29 am

Oooou WEE! Now THIS is a word from on high. I saw sooooo much of of the lessons the Holy Ghost taught me as I read this word. Amen. Confirmation! Confirmation! Confirmation! Jealousy often follows favor. If a woman or man of God is truly living [right] with God, he or she will walk ALONE. Not everyone is entitled to sit in the front row seats of our lives. Most folk belong in the balcony. And the Holy Ghost points out which one's they are. I'm always DELIGHTED to discover the balcony folk 'early on'. I have a hand full of front row seaters around me. That's it and that's all. With every level of anointing comes a new adversary. Shake the dust off and keep it movin'.

I Thank God for your SPIRIT and anointing. Move, grow and glow.

God's grace rests with you--
Sis. Tamara

Sis Nicole
4/12/2011 09:36:11 am

Oh what a word and surely I did grab the nuggets. Thank you for sharing what God gave you with all of us. Oh my what an awesome Woman of God you are! I don't know what the last post was, but I must say for you to remove it because it offended someone else (another sister in Christ) that is beautiful. Even though you didn't intend to do it, you are such a wonderful First Lady, but titles aside you are a wonderful Sister, child of God and what an amazing example!


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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.