Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

   While listening to a familiar Christmas hymn I had such a revelation. I heard a television minister say that revelation comes when the Holy Spirit shows you something that could have so easily just gone past your attention. Revelation breathes life into something and provides us a new or different perspective.

     The carol's phrase simply said, "God and sinners; reconciled." I'd heard it so many times. Yet this year the weight and truth of that phrase quite overwhelms me. Through Jesus' selfless and substitutionary work, a loving and peaceful relationship exists in my life with the Father. Moreover, heaven is in my view. Sin had a price; separation and death. Jesus paid it all. Merry Christmas -- thank you Jesus! Now, let us now finish this awesome teaching from Dr. Z!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

3.     Learn how to be politically savvy and use the gifts God has given you to your advantage.  Daniel was a wise man of Babylon (read Chapter 1).  When King Neb initially called the wise men of Babylon to interpret the dream, why wasn’t Daniel called in too?  Maybe this was a part of the Divine set-up.  Daniel knew he didn’t have time to question everything – time was of the essence.  Apparently, Daniel knew he could stand before King Neb, so he used his political platform wisely.  Daniel was also gifted in dream interpretation.  He confidently stood before King Neb, asking for time to interpret the dream.  Pay attention in a crisis!  You must know who you are!  Your gifts are weapons to use against spiritual enemies!  Can you imagine where your life would be without your God-given gifts?  Servant of God, don’t panic; rather think!  If you are a Psalmist, you need to sing.  If you are a gifted teacher, then teach.  If you have the gift of service – serve; get the point?  God will always meet you in the operation of a gift.  His gift in you is what gives you the edge.  Daniel had a “Divine Edge” on all of the other wise men of Babylon, because the Spirit of God was the source of his gifting.  Daniel was confident in using his gift during a time of crisis.  Daniel also knew that God had given him Divine favor with King Neb (again, read Chapter 1).  When the other wise men of Babylon sought time, they were immediately turned down!  When Daniel asked for time – King Neb basically said; “No problem Daniel.”  Amazing!


4.    Don’t be arrogant – you cannot do this alone!  Daniel acted wisely: first he identified the problem, he had the courage to appropriately confront, and then he used all that God had already given him: political platform, God-giftedness and Divine favor!  Daniel knew that this was a new problem and it called for a new solution.  He had sense of enough to call the Community of Faith together in a prayer meeting, because all of their lives were threatened!  The wisdom literature says, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecc. 4:12b)  There is power in numbers.  When you are confronted with an overwhelming problem, Satan will tempt you to isolate yourself, so that he can get in your head and tell lies.  The devil will tempt you with self-pity, and make you falsely accuse God.  The enemy wants you to believe the situation is your fault, so that you will make it about yourself, instead of perceiving it as a Divine assignment.  When you open your heart to other believers, there is much less chance of the enemy being able to attack in this manner.  True prayer partners have Godly ears and eyes for the devil; they listen for and recognize Divine order.  Have you ever noticed that when you are weak, your prayer partner is strong and vice-versa?  Get with your prayer partners when a crisis hits!  Get on one accord and pray through.  Don’t let up until heaven hears you.  Plead for God’s mercy, and don’t worry about the details.  Just pray!


5.    Expect results.  When you pray through, God acts!  When God acts: PRAISE HIM!!! 

      My friends only God can spare your life: both naturally and spiritually.  Are you struggling with God-given vision today?  Is Vision dealing with you?  Perhaps you unknowingly seek answers from the gods?  How often in life do we face illogical, insane folks who are in authoritative positions, and they wreak havoc over innocent victims?  This is the kind of stuff that makes you ask, “God why?”  It is okay to ask why, but remember when Jesus was on the cross, and he asked “My God, my God  . . . why?”  Jesus did not get an answer to his question.  He let go of his faith and said, “Into thy hands I commit my spirit.”  He put his faith to work.  In three days He was raised from the dead.  It was the Divine Plan in action!

     After God revealed King Neb’s dream and its interpretation to Daniel:

“Then Daniel went to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to execute the wise men of Babylon, and said to him, ‘Do not execute the wise men of Babylon. Take me to the king, and I will interpret this dream for him.

     When you hear from heaven, you will speak with authority concerning the problem, because you have will understanding.  God gives wisdom and understanding to those who ask!  In this lesson, the vision that caused so much trouble was from God.  Daniel and his friends prayed, and God gave Daniel the Vision that set everybody (King Neb, the wise men of Babylon, Daniel and his friends) free!  God set Divine order in Babylon.  He wanted King Neb and everyone else to know that Israel was his Chosen, and even though they were in captivity, God had not abandoned them.  God wanted everyone to see and know who he was and who his people were.  The same holds true today.  God wants everyone to know who he is and who you are Servant of God!  You are special, because God made you special.  Woman /Man may I encourage you to ask God for wisdom and understanding concerning the vision you are dealing with, and let Vision deal with you. 


12/23/2010 08:21:48 am

Dr. Z,

This was a rich, detailed, and obviously heartfelt teaching. Thank you for blessing us by "treading out the corn"!
Peace be with you, woman of God!



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