Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Last week I was led to write on the topic of Job. I spoke of the friends that wrongfully judged the motives and actions of Job. Those friends erroneously spelled out their thoughts on how God functions, and on why Job was suffering. May I just say I became a first partaker of the message in that blog?

Just this week I had to endure railing accusations. Boy, do I know how Job must have felt! I mean his friends sat right among him while he was on his bed of affliction and accused him of dishonoring his wife and family; dealing unfairly with his servants and employees; being deceitful in matters of business; and a host of other lies. HUH?

Job must have sat there thinking, "Who are they talking about?!" It is a trip when accusations are brought that are specifically opposite your actions and character. That is what I experienced this past week!

False accusations hurt. Who wants to be misunderstood or misinterpreted? Who wants to be lied upon because someone is jealous or angry? Who wants to be slandered for something that they did not do? Who wants to endure a person purposefully filling the ears of anyone that will listen with negative reports about us because the talebearer is invested in people not thinking well of us? I would dare say, "No one."

Yet, there is something to be gained through being the victim of such an attack. There is another opportunity for the mind of Christ and Godly character to be more deeply established in the life of the falsely accused. A girlfriend and I were talking about the lovely spirit of a pastor whom we both so admire. She spoke about the fact that certain people of his congregation had said negative things against him because he will not take down from his standard. She told me that the pastor knows about the things that have been said and by whom -- and the talebearers do not even know that their pastor knows because he treats them no differently! That is Godly character! He just continues in the way that the Lord has led him to lead.

When we suffer false accusation, persecution and slander there is an opportunity to love our enemies and to pray for those that persecute us as we are admonished in Matthew 5. How can we exercise this command except we have enemies and persecutors?

False accusation also presents an opportunity to experience the love of God through His people. Sometimes God allows people to stand up and declare, "That is not true!" In this instance my husband was led to rise up and said, "That is not true. Anyone who would say that about my wife I would have to call him or her a liar because that is not who she is."  It blessed me that the one who lives with me and most closely observes my life is able to affirm that I am not unloving to God's people. I experienced that Godly outpouring and it watered my soul where one had attempted to darken it.

It is good sometimes to be afflicted and attacked. It helps us to better see where we are in this thing. And you know -- I see that I am safe in the arms of the Almighty. He's got me. I do not have to fight my own battles -- I am His servant; working diligently for Him in His company called 'Kingdom Alliance.' And, I have great Worker's Compensation Benefits. Whenever I am injured on the job He thoroughly protects and covers all my claims. I collect benefits immediately. And not just me; but all who have sold out all to Him and are chosen to serve on His staff. Many are called (unto salvation) but few are chosen (for ministry). In spite of the enemy sending his feeble attack I am here today strengthened, encouraged, smiling and growing in the things of God. Moreover, I am ready to stay in the race and on my post. 

Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

P.S. Thank you to those that sent in your Chosen Women registration information! We appreciate your participation in the 2010 Chosen Women Conference. It is still not too late to participate! Some told us that you would be sending in your $25 after the 1st of the month -- even if you do not have the initial payment but have a desire to attend please let us know -- we believe God to make a way for you to come!

Prophetess Vickie
7/5/2010 02:54:30 pm

"Yea, and all who would live holy shall suffer persecution." In an odd way, such circumstances are just a confirmation of who you are in Christ Jesus and in the Kingdom. Soldier on!

Evangelist Lisa Mitchell
7/7/2010 04:47:56 pm

Yes Prophetess! SOLDIER ON! Thanks Woman of God . . . and so we shall!


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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.