Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I am so happy in Jesus! God has given me more clarity about my reality and my destiny! I am so encouraged! I am writing to encourage you to "Hold Fast to God's Word."

Please, please, please, do not let anything deter you from the Word of God concerning your life, your purpose and your ministry! Hold fast to what He said to YOU! Hold on to it! Stand on it! Obey it! And guard against those that would speak into your life things contrary to what the Lord has given. Yes, He might send clarification or further edification -- but be sober in your hearing. Do not be anxious. The apostle spoke to us in I John 4:1 saying "Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world." (New Living Translation)

An astonishing example of this is given to us in I Kings 13. Most are familiar with the story of the man of God from Judah who, by the Lord's command, traveled to Bethel. When He got there he prophesied over the king under the unction of the Holy Ghost. He was not a lying prophet -- his  prophesies came to pass. This man of God had power with God! Yet, he did not hold fast to the Word the Lord God had given him!

The man of God from Judah testified himself in verse 9 that the Lord commanded him to eat or drink nothing while in Bethel, but to return to Judah the same way he came. But an "old prophet" got him sidetracked. Now you would expect something OUTSIDE the church to get him sidetracked -- but he go sidetracked from someone supposedly on the same team! Jesus, it's still happening today!

The man of God told the old prophet that he could not come and dine with him at his home because the Lord had given him clear instructions. Yet in verse 18 the old prophet answered to the man of God, “I am a prophet, too, just as you are. And an angel gave me this command from the Lord: ‘Bring him home with you so he can have something to eat and drink.” Sounds like a fallen angel was talking to him! Of course the old prophet was lying. I have a question -- "Who are you letting speak to you?" I do not care if it is a "prophet, bishop or apostle," if it does not line up leave it and let God deal with it. You just keep walking in the Word of the Lord!

Notice that the text continued to call the lying man a prophet even though he lied! I always thought that was heavy! You can simply be wayward, backslidden -- and CALLED! Amazing. We must be careful not to have THAT testimony. Surely an account will have to be given for this type of thing.

Saints, please be careful when people speak things in your life that are contrary to the instructions that God gave to you! Do not be moved by titles. Who knows the motivation of this prophet to lie to the man of God? Perhaps he wanted to have real, authentic, Holy Ghost power back in his house.

Perhaps the lack of character in the life of the lying prophet had caused a breach in his ministry that he hoped to have restored through this real man of God. Yet he was not willing to live the truth and sanctification that produces Godly power! Sometimes people want to use the gift of God that is within you. But the gift of God is subject to the Holy Ghost. Do not be so excited about an invitation! (Uh-Oh!)

Don't just go because they ask you to come! The gift of God within us is priceless and given by God for His purpose. I do not care what perks the invitation garners; I'm not going unless Jesus says to go. Period.

Who knows why the man of God's ears would be pricked to receive the false word. 2 Timothy 4:3 (NIV) For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. I have always looked at this scripture thinking who has the itching ears -- the hearers or the teachers? I assert that it could be either. Sometimes the minister wants so badly to hear the 'amens' and 'ata girls/boys' so badly that they will give a pleasing message when the Holy Ghost is sending a convicting Word. The work of ministry is not the place to work on your self-esteem issues. Jesus made Himself of no reputation -- we should do the same. It's not about us -- it's about JESUS!

Maybe something in him desired to be celebrated. All we know is that it cost him his very life! His life and ministry snuffed out for carnal thinking and fleshy satisfaction.

I encourage you not to listen to the lies. Hold fast to what God told you. If there are things that other people think are permissible in ministry that God tells you to steer clear from -- STEER CLEAR! If God told you to go west but the saints say, "Stay," -- GO WEST!

Jesus is too close to returning for us to leave our works undone. I do not care who does not like it -- I am staying with the Master's Plan for my life. Make up in your mind that I'm not listening to the lying prophet. Yes, they might hear from God; but they can't hear for me because they mingle Truth with lies!

Do not be satisfied with spiritual half-truths! God is calling His people back to the soundness and truth wherein they first believed. If you have another word for me sorry, I'm just not listening! The cost is too great!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.