Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I pray that you are well, and persevering in Christ! This is certainly no time to retreat. In fact, if you have remained faithful to your Husbandman, Christ Jesus, this is a glorious season for you. That is, if you have not embraced the trickery and enticements of the past decade or more in the church world.

If you have remained faithful you might not have been as popular or called upon as some of your contemporaries. Don’t worry – your time is coming! Right now you are surely in transition. The transition is a positioning preparing you to participate in the greatest revival of our time. Azuza Street will pale in comparison to the coming revival and harvest. True prophetic ears and eyes see and hear the coming of the Lord!

Now, I must admit that transition can be tricky – but don’t let it make you nervous. Let it excite you. The King is coming! This is not a time to fear – this is the time to trust!

This morning I was thinking about a long ago incident. A sister in the Lord really made a food dish well and I praised her highly! The dish was absolutely delicious, and she agreed to give me the recipe! I tried it, but mine did not taste like hers. I chalked it up to just not having her touch.

Time went on and she continued to observe my interaction with the saints. I had no problem sharing my gifts, talents, ability – all was freely given to me so I just gave it back out! One day a woman wanted my peach cobbler recipe. I gladly gave it to her; voicing my hope that her family would love it as my friends and family did. I saw no reason to withhold it. I wanted her to be able to bring smiles to the faces of her husband and children too. Why not?

A few days later the woman who had given me a recipe took me aside. She admitted leaving a key ingredient out of the recipe she’d given me. I was shocked! What was THAT all about? Well, God told me to write about it today. I had not thought about it in probably 10 years. Today God reminded me of the incident and told me that her actions were based in fear.

She feared that someone else might make it just as well. She feared losing some of her glory. What a sad commentary. It is too bad that she did not understand that when we give out God gives us much more back -- from simple matters like this and in much weightier issues.

I was thinking how that through the years I have watched some church leaders – pastors, first ladies, elders, etc. – promote saints to positions of leadership. Then, I watched the leaders undermine the success of the promoted. I have watched leaders withhold key information, impeding success. I have watched leaders purposely draw attention back to them instead of empowering the designated leader through open shows of support and encouragement. Leaders know that if we publicly support designees it makes it a little easier for them to lead. So then, why would leaders withhold the support and information? Often it is fear.

They think, “If they are successful and empowered then where does that leave me?” Again, what a sad commentary. Great leaders want to build greater leaders. Just as loving parents want more for their children than even they have achieved.

A few months ago my family was visiting an aunt. As often happens when we go places, there was a soul there wanting salvation. We took her into a separate room to share the gospel and pray for the Holy Ghost to fill her. She was soon gloriously filled and speaking in other tongues as the spirit of the Lord gave her the utterance. She had been baptized in Jesus’ name some weeks prior and we took joy in showing her in the scriptures how she had used the keys given first to Apostle Peter!

When we went back to the family room to rejoice with the rest of the household we found them interviewing our son. They told us, “We asked Amir if he was going to be a preacher like his dad?” They reported that Amir said, “No, I’m going to be better!” We were thrilled.

We continue to remind our son of his declaration; and seek the Lord about how to help him fulfill his vision. When he walked into the church with me on Sunday and saw the new baptismal which he had not seen in our church before he said, “Oh, there is it. I had a dream that I am going in there when I am 7.” He had never shared that with us before.  Who is he in the kingdom? I have no idea – but I believe for greatness for him. And not only for my son – for all the sons of God that want to serve Him in excellence. I do not need to try to douse their shine for fear that it will dim my own. That mindset is not of God.

I want to admonish every kingdom leader to determine to strengthen all those around you towards greatness. Do not hold back from them what you are able to give them as led by the Lord. I know we cannot give babes meat -- that is not what I mean. I mean do not withhold from them for fear. When you give them everything you’ve got – when you have poured out all that you have, something miraculous will happen. God will give you more!

God will take you higher! God will challenge you to go further! You will be taken out of your comfort zone! It’s time to stop holding onto the old. Give it all away and let God give you the new wine He’s been holding for you! Let Him stretch you. Let Him transition you. He wants to use you like never before – but you’ve got to let go of the familiar, give it away, and let Him make you BETTER!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
6/8/2011 08:32:58 am

This is GOOD word, Evangelist Lisa! It is actually a CHARGE to leaders. As you wrote, "Freely you receive, freely give." Live generously!
Thank you for sharing Abba's heart to us.
Love you, Sis!


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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.