Monday, April 19, 2010

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

"Lord, Make Me Better!" This is the theme for the 2010 Chosen Women Conference. It is based in Psalm 51:1-17. My Question? Why didn't somebody tackle me and grapple the pen from my hand before I wrote it! You know, it really would not have mattered because the theme was already birthed in my Spirit by the Living God. I simply have to be the first partaker in what it means to be made better.

I am learning that before you can be made better, He has got to show you where you are worse. You might be good -- but becoming better means He has to reveal where you need strengthening. In other words were your vulnerabilities and weaknesses lie. That process is not comfortable. Someone told me last week the doctor can only help you if you are willing to do what? Take off your clothes and get naked! It is only then that He can check you out and see what ails you!

Sometimes people get mad when you are willing to uncover yourself. Sometimes individuals or groups cannot handle it. Sometimes folks get embarrassed. All that transparency can create a mirror. People do not always like mirrors. I get that. But if you trust Doctor Jesus you will let your guard down and be real with Him.

I am determined to endure Doctor Jesus' comprehensive examination. I got the revelation that tests and examinations are the same thing. So I am in for my examination. When you go into the office there are usually instruments that are used to see into your ears; shine light into your eyes; listen to your heart; gauge your pressure, etc.  Those instruments or tools are used to test you.

Saints, there are going to be individuals or groups that act as those instruments in your life. They are there, being used by Doctor Jesus to test you. Isn't that something? Don't focus on how cold, invasive or sterile the instrument might be. Just focus on the Doctor. Those instruments are purposeful in His hands.

I have decided that while in this process of examination I am not going to be depressed. I am not going to blame anyone else. I am not going to be sad or mad. I am not going to be defensive. I am not going to plead my own case. I am going to simply take the poking and the prodding as He inspects me and my fruit. In His strength I can take it. His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

I am focused on my Doctor. I want to hear His results. What are His findings? Whatever He finds I have this assurance -- I know it is not terminal!

I know He will have a tried and tested treatment, and a great prognosis. I am willing to follow His instructions to the letter and take the medicine so that I can get the clean bill of spiritual health that I so desire.
In the end I am going to be made better. I am going to continue under His care until He presents me faultless and declares unto me, "Well done!"

Stay tuned to the Chosen Women station. By September I will have a victory report to share with you all as we gather in Valencia, CA!

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Check out the "Corporate" page of this website for Chosen Women Conference Flyers and Registration Form!

QuaNeice Hunt
5/4/2010 01:01:48 pm

Evng. Lisa, Thank you so much for these words of strength and power. This message is two or three weeks old, but it is definitely the one for me TODAY! I do want to be made better, so I went to Dr. Jesus and these instruments, BOY have they got me going!!!!!! Your words have been a reality check to the fire I MUST go through to be made whole. God Bless you and your family. God Bless Chosen Women. QuaNeice.


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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.