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Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

John 15:12 ~ This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you

What is Love? God is Love. Love is the blanketing theme of our lives in Christ. There is no end to the subject. When we think and speak of God's love, I personally find the subject too vast and too high to fully comprehend. Though we spend our lives in Him searching out and sharing in His love; I am of the belief that once in His presence, seeing Him as He is -- only then will we fully comprehend His LOVE.  But there is one thing I DO know right now -- that Jesus loves me!

How do I know? The Bible tells me so. In fact when I was yet a sinner Christ died for me. Moreover He has commanded me to love Him and others. And though love is high and vast in its depth, the Holy Spirit enables me to perceive and even to show forth the love of Christ.

I am finding myself like never before focusing on that subject. Then, as God would have it my dear husband preached on the subject on Sunday. I promise he does not tell me about the message beforehand. I personally want to grow in my ability to love -- and growing in love means dying out more to flesh. Let us consider this:

Leviticus 19:18 ~ Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge . . . but love your neighbor as yourself . . . (that is cut and dry. NEVER seek revenge? NEVER bear a grudge? Sincerely treating persons with kindness AFTER they do you wrong! Who's ready to love?)

Matthew 5:44 ~ . . . Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you . . . (It did not say PREY on your enemies . . . it said PRAY for your enemies! Can you do it. Can you sincerely pray for a hater? Can you lovingly embrace someone that has purposefully set out to destroy your name and reputation? Something that might help is to understand that persecution is purifying your soul. Godly suffering, when endured like a good soldier, causes flesh to decrease. This is a part of our purification, our sanctification -- a part of living holy. I can love my enemies because I understand that my enemies are divinely appointed to cause my Spirit-man to grow and to help refine my character. If I understand this then I can truly say, "Thank you haters -- You make me greater!")

Romans 12:9-10 ~ Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. (Having a smiling face and words smooth as butter when war in your heart? That is not love -- that's fake. Love must be sincere. Sometimes we are so hurt and wounded we lose the ability to love. We learn a fake smile and resort to fake pleasantries. This is not the love of Christ. We must ask God to heal and help us to forgive so that we can love again. It is mandatory. If not then our acts and words are without merit.)

Philippians 2:3 ~ Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
(Too many in the body of Christ are about self. I cannot support and build your vision because I am too busy trying to build my own so I can -- in my mind -- remain ahead of you. I cannot let you go before me. I have a vision too. I have a ministry too! But listen, I thought we were on the same team? I thought we had the same goal? I thought it was about souls? Is it really about your name. Is it really about money. Is is really about some perceived prestige? I tell you, the men and women of God that I personally esteem most are individuals that were loyal, faithful and not self-serving and self-motivated -- but committed to their spiritual fathers and leaders in building sound, stable, life-changing ministries. And those are the ones that are rooted, grounded, powerful, anointed and respected today. Deferring to someone else to support them does not make you weak -- it produces character and strength that will stand the test of time. I am a living witness that if God has called you, your vision will speak though it may tarry. If you are called God will open the door and you will be able to walk therein -- but wait upon it and labor diligently while you wait. Do not fold your arms until it is your time -- you will reap that kind of attitude. So many today have that Romans 10 zeal that's not according to knowledge. Be faithful and committed and watch God cause you to bloom where He plants you. Wait upon your appointed time!)

James 2:9 ~ But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law of transgressors. (Did you see that? We know that God is not a respecter of persons. But did you know that if YOU show respect to persons you sin? This can mean disregarding someone because you feel she is not in your cliche; not in your class
; not in our category; not up to par; less than you; doesn't carry the right bags; doesn't wear the right clothes or shoes or shop at the right stores to roll with you; then, you are in sin. No, not just scandalous and mean-spirited -- but literally in sin!)

I want to be so full of love that it exudes from me like a precious cologne! I want to be like some of the dear and awe-inspiring women of God that I have known whose love measure knocks me out. I won't name drop but their names are in my mind right now. They showed love at all time -- showing love to any and all -- saint or stranger -- not just tongue-talkers but exemplifying the love of Christ in word and in deed. I am without excuse because I have seen it in practice. I want to have their testimony as being a woman of love. Jesus has done so much for me -- I owe Him that.

Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Evangelist Christine
6/23/2010 04:19:06 am

By their fruit ye shall know them. Love is the basis on which the Fruit of the Spirit stands. if there is no love, one may bare fruit (smiling faces) but it won't be the Fruit of the Spirit, at least not God's Spirit.

Also, this is how we will know them that labor among us. Don't forget the wheat and tares do grow together. I Praise God for discernment.


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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.