Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Today we close out a weekend of celebrating one of God’s precious gifts to mankind -- mothers! I pray that all mothers had a wonderful day yesterday. I know that I have referenced her often in my writings throughout the years; yet I will take another opportunity to talk about my Mommy ~ Jewel Marie.

As I write to you each week I am abiding in the vision of Chosen Women, Inc. I write with the purpose of furthering our corporation’s mission of “strengthening and upholding families by providing unique support, encouragement and exhortation to women.” A strong, whole woman is going to be a better wife, mother, sister, minister, supervisor, friend . . . simply a better woman. It is my belief that dealing with our spirit-man is crucial to becoming and staying strong and whole.

Many in my blog
audience are saints of the most high God. In fact many of you are preachers! LOL My writings to you are not filled with Bible quotes. Most of you can finish the verse before the preacher can get it out!

I find that largely we are not erring because of our ability to quote or even to understand the scriptures. When we fall short we fall because of our ability to apply the scriptures to our practical, everyday lives. That is why I write – I want to strengthen myself and other women in our ability to LIVE Jesus. Most of us know how to TALK and PREACH Jesus.

So then why on this post-Mother’s Day Monday do I take time to talk about Jewel Marie?  Because I believe that you, like me, are working to be that wise woman building her house as opposed to the foolish woman whose owns hands tears it down. Because I believe that, like me, you desire to be that honorable, rare and valuable ‘virtuous woman’ of whom we so often speak. I would assert that really living this out takes a commitment to lifestyle. And I am one woman without excuse.

I am without excuse because in the years that I had my Jewel I never once heard her gossip about other women; nor anyone for that fact. Not once. Can you imagine? I heard someone say that all women gossip. I know one for whom I can testify that she never did in my earshot.

I never observed Jewel commit a selfish act. I watched her do things for herself (regular hair appointments, nail appointments, lunches with girlfriends, routine and enthusiastic shopping, etc.) but never at the sacrifice of family or responsibility. Never.

She often took me to work and let me observe a woman in charge working in an administrative capacity. Yet I never saw her yell, demean, belittle or disrespect her staff or peers. Never. And thus I saw a body of professionals that literally loved and respected her. They did not miss opportunities to tell me how beloved she was and how blessed was I to have her. They were right.

I never observed her discontinue her quest for self-improvement and advancement in education, in interest or in giving herself to others. Never. So with three children and a husband she pursued continuing education and further degrees with success. She made sure we had exposure to whatever would inform us. She made sure we took family vacations to see different places and things. She made sure we embraced education, learning and recreation. She was quite simply, a Jewel. Perfect. No. But leaving an example that leaves me without excuse.

Am I marking Jewel as perfect? Far from it. Was my relationship with her perfect? Not at all. I look to the Perfect, Christ Jesus as my example on how to live this life. I am just so very proud and grateful when I think back about my mom remembering a woman that lived out His example so well before my very eyes. And when I grow weary of well doing I press a bit more because of what God did through Jesus concerning me – and because I want to leave a legacy for others as Jewel did for me.

Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

p.s., Friend of Chosen Women Pastor Hope Benn is hosting a One Day Women's Explosion next week! Take a look at the flyer on this page for details. We love you Pastor Hope!

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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.