Monday, April 26, 2010

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Earlier today I was thinking about when I first got saved. Though I grew up in church, I was in no wise saved according to the scriptures. I went to church sometimes but my lifestyle was not at all conducive to the holiness and sanctification that God mandates for those that He calls His own. I did not come into that knowledge until I was in my early 20s.

One of my friends from high school had gotten saved and we ran into each other. She invited me to her church. I reluctantly agreed. I visited one Sunday morning and my life was forever changed.

From the very first time that I heard Bible truth ministered like that I knew there was a difference. It was not like anything I had experienced to that point in a church. I promise I thought that preacher was talking directly to me. The things he said penetrated my heart. He had my number!

Also, I noticed almost immediately how different the people where. They definitely had something that I did not. It was amusing how they greeted each other with, "Praise the Lord," instead of, "Hello." But I knew it was even more than their tasteful attire and spiritual talk -- there was something on the inside of many of them that shined so brightly. It was so tangible. It was so real. And I knew that I did not have what they had. It did not take me being around them very long and hearing more of that Bishop's preaching before I decided that I had to have "It" too.

I am quite grieved by the fact that today, much of the church wants so desperately to not have that difference and that uniqueness that drew me to Christ. Many in the church are doing all that they can to look exactly like the world from which they are calling souls to come. I honestly just don't get it.

When I got ready to be saved I did not want what I had just come from. I was ready for holiness. No, I did not know how to live it. I was not even sure if I could be successful at it. I simply knew that I wanted it. I knew that I needed it -- I needed Jesus. I trusted those people that seemed to already have Him and love Him so much to show me the way.

I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I am encouraged to stick with and uphold the standard that drew me to the altar. Holiness is a blessed gift from God. He loved me enough to inform me what would be required to see Him in peace. Then, He gave me what I needed to abide in this life -- the Holy Ghost. You see, that is what they had that I did not have. That is what shined bright in their lives and made them so beautiful in my eyes.

When people are ready to be saved, they do not want the muck and the mire in which they are already stuck. They want to be cleansed and made new. That's if they are ready! If it takes your debasing the precious name of Jesus and His glorious ministry of reconciliation to draw a souls, then that soul is not ready to be drawn. I am reminded of Paul talking about our liberty becoming a stumblingblock. Yes, Paul became all things to all men to win some -- but Paul also made it clear that he did not lose his bearings in Christ to do so. Just keep lifting up Jesus.

A young woman came to the altar this Sunday and told me, "I want what you and these women have!" To me there is no greater testimony. I assured her that I, Lisa, was just like her. I informed her that what she saw and desired was the Spirit of the Living God. And you know I introduced her to Him just like those precious men and women did for me.

If you've moved away, please get back to the standard saints.
Let us live a standard so somebody can get savedl. And I do not mean this new saved where there is no transformation -- I mean SAVED for real.

If you are holding up the blood stained banner do not get weary -- paydays coming after while! Is anybody seeing these earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, international peace meetings, wars, etc.? He is about to crack the sky and I am going to be on my post. What about you?

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.