


Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Sin. I cannot get it out of my mind. The topic will not leave my spirit. The subject has been in my spirit the whole week. I waited another day to write to you hoping that another topic would manifest in my spirit. It has not.

People claiming to be saved and born again yet participating in willful acts of disobedience against the Word, and God's particular will for their lives. Sick of it.

People preaching the gospel; witnessing; sporting church bumper stickers on their cars and posting churchy statuses on their Facebook and Twitter -- but tearing down saints and sinners alike in their gossipping, backbiting conversation. Sick of it.

Doing evil deeds; being offensive
; being unkind; saying awful things; telling people off, cussing folks out; being mean-spirited; doing dirty works and hiding your hands -- THEN never apologizing; going on like it never happened; never humbling yourself to FEEL sorry -- much less being sorry and saying, "I apologize for how I behaved -- please forgive me." But you're on that church pew every week -- even up in the pulpit. Sick of it.

Youth leaders that say and do outlandish things such that your little charges do not even respect you and call you 'fake' behind your back. (I know this because they've come to me seeking counsel) Sick of it.

Women sitting in the church smiling in the First Lady's face and secretly thinking that she does not deserve her position next to the man of God; and moreover how much better of a job you could do in her shoes. Sick of it.

Collars up to the neck and hems to the floor -- not a drop of MAC cosmetics, no lip color -- just clear gloss, no eyeliner, no red, no "worldly" representation anywhere; BUT MEAN AS A JUNK YARD DOG. Sick of it.

Shacking up with your dude (pretending you're married and you KNOW you did not get married. Like my former Pastor used to say, "You got to get a license to fish or to have a dog . . . But he won't get a license to be with YOU?!) but will cut somebody if they do not call you Prophetess--Evangelist.--Minister--Mother. Yes, even mother. Sick of it.

Every other sentence out of your mouth is a lie but on the Praise Team sending out your strange fire in the camp. Sick of it.

Robbing God; not giving as He says -- seeing needs and doing nothing to help when you can -- turning a deaf ear when God tells you to give. Sick of it.

Pretending that you do not hear the Lord telling you to leave--stay--shut up--speak up--help--move--clean--throw away--give away--come up--study--pray--fast, etc. And not doing it because you choose to pretend you do not hear Him. It is willful disobedience. It is sin. Sick of it.

So concerned about some acknowledgment from the pulpit or from some man or woman. Glory seeking. "They didn't even acknowledge me! I did it! I helped! I gave! It was because of ME!" Sick of it.

No love. No compassion. No witness. No patience. No time to focus your time on another. No time to be inconvenienced for the purpose of building--supporting--encouraging another. No willingness to sacrifice to help build another. Wondering what the little you do is taking away from you. Wondering if they are going to give back equally to you. Ill motives. Sick of it.

Galatians 5:19 ~ Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), envy, drukenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)

James 5:16a ~ Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

I have prayed. I said to myself this morning, "Lord, why am I feeling so sick of sin! I hate sin as You do -- but why is it overwhelming me so at this time -- why do I feel so SICK OF SIN?!"

He told me, "You minister my Word. These are MY thoughts. I made you feel sick of sin because I AM sick of sin. Let My people know!"

And I have. My soul is delivered. If you find yourself; turn away. He is so soon to come.

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
QuaNeice Hunt
8/31/2010 08:48:57 am

Thank you.

Sis Cheryl
9/1/2010 07:30:32 am

God says we must be a doer of his word and not just a hear only. What a powerful message, I thank God that he is giving the body another chance to get it right. PTL.....

9/1/2010 01:20:18 pm

A call to holiness! Amen. God bless you, woman of God!

Evangelist Christine
9/2/2010 05:19:18 am

I praise God for this call for REPENTANCE. In light of your ministry, God has given you not only a burden for souls, but He has shown you His heart concerning souls.

We may consider the outward sins, but what is in the heart of man causes the outward manifestation.

Without looking at others, I will cry out, Lord make me better!


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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.