Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Blessed Monday to YOU! Well, I promised you some new things this year -- and January 2010 has marked our new beginning! As you know we are now posting a weekly blog! You asked for more from your Chosen Women website, and it has been our honor to answer that request.

We had a couple of wonderful Guest Bloggers minister last year. They blessed us with their anointed, inspiring and challenging messages. This year we are hosting more messages from our network of Chosen Women.

This year's first Guest Blogger is a wonderful woman of God whom God brought into my life last year. Sis. Melissa Fykes is one of the Father's most elect daughters and a precious jewel to the body. Sis. Fykes' genuine spirit is so refreshing in this age when so many people are not authentic. But do not let her gentle spirit fool you -- the girl has a no holds barred anointing and stands flat-footed and speaks what thus saith the Lord. As me how I know! (smile)

I am so happy to number Sis. Fykes among my friends, and I am very honored to have her share this on time message with us -- God's Chosen Women!

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

(Habakkuk 2:2) ~ Have you ever bought a dress or suit that had your size on the label, but wasn't quite the right size? You took the suit or dress to get altered to fit your body, then you realized that if you had gone to a tailor first they could have created the same item especially for you? This is what God has done and is doing for His people today!

He is telling us "ask and ye shall receive." We must realize that many of our blessings are not just going to come to us, but we must take action in the midst of expectancy! I remember as a child asking my parents for things and being specific in doing so. How much more can God make a specific thing come to pass? Need proof? Read Luke 11:13 and Matthew 7:11!

Believe it, Visualize It, Act On It, then Recieve it! There is a process of Faith! Learn to trust God's Word and try it for yourself. His recipes work and result into the same sweet, tasteful, and delicious outcome every single time! Just follow the formula! (Psalms 34:8)

While we are living in the "Year of Promise" in 2010, I encourage you to write the vision and make it plain! Ask God the specifics of your request and EXPECT it to come forth.

Sis. Fykes is a faithful member of Greater Works Apostolic Outreach Ministries and is married to Elder Forrest Fykes.

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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.