"Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!"

Ladies, I have been having some awesome encounters with the Lord. I am walking out, "Lord, Make Me Better!" There are some things that I am finding that I did not know to anticipate . . . and it is wonderful. I cannot wait until I am released to share with you. I will tell you this. The feelings that I am encountering are simply this . . . "It would have been enough to have been Your servant or a slave . . . but I'm overwhelmed that You would call me friend!" I really love Him.

I also really love our guest writer. I have not been in contact with her for many years but have reconnected with her on the social network that has been such a blessing to me. She was an awesome woman of God way back when, when we were just very young ladies. We are still young ladies (!) but with a lot more life and wisdom under our belts. In connecting with her again, I have been so impressed by her passion for life, family and kingdom. She is anointed and spiritual; but also sassy, sharp and beautiful. I felt that she had something to say to us. I asked her to write to us -- and, yes, she certainly had something to say.

Welcome Minister, Praiser, Worshipper, Fashion Designer, Mother, Grandmother, Entrepreneur -- God's Renaissance Woman -- Lady La Quin Meadows!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Hello Ladies, I want you to confess with me:
"I am a 'Well' Woman. I am a 'Well' of pure Water. I am a 'Well' Wealthy Woman.  I am a 'Well' Woman ready to release a spring of Life."
You may or may not know the story of the "Woman at the Well." The scripture is John 4 in the Bible.  I have had the opportunity to examine this story over and over again.  I would like to share with you just a couple of things that the Spirit of God has shown me. 
Jews considered Samaritans to be half breeds and idol worshippers. The animosity was so great that the Jews would bypass Samaria as they traveled between Galilee and Judea. 

The Bible says Jesus was worn out by his journey and sat down at the well.  When the Samaritan woman showed up at the 'Well,' Jesus said, "Give me a drink."  Those words alone meant more than the obvious of quenching His thirst.  He was there with no vessel to drink from.  The woman asked Him where was His vessel, because during that time a Jew would never drink after a Samaritan.  What Jesus was actually doing was tearing down in her the traditions that she had known all of her life.  She was put in a position to consider her tradition and then move out to do what was against the norm of her time. 
As their encounter progressed, Jesus begins to offer her an eternal water.  He even promises that she would never thirst again.  Of course she was excited about this water and asked how she could obtain it.  One of the things I've observed about the woman at the well, was that Jesus was not interested in her ability to draw from the well, but was more interested in her ability to allow herself to become the well to draw from. 
Ladies, some of you have many things pulling at your hearts today.  I want to encourage each of you to pull on the springs of living water.  This water will find the dry places in your souls and will began to produce the righteous fruit of God's Spirit in you. 
Pray this:  I am a Well Spring of life that men come to and drink from.  The Spirit in me gives life.  I am a conduit of peace and life and because I operate in love, I attract love.  There will be no lack of love in my life because I am encompassed in it.  I am God's personal gift that releases life into the atmosphere.  My words are powerful and my presence is highly significant in all states of my development and life.

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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.