Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I greet you all in the love and peace of the Most High God! A few days ago I spoke to First Lady Alice Ross of Word of Life Outreach Ministries in Palmdale, CA. She is hosting a Women's Retreat Thursday, November 4 through Saturday, November 6, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Express in Ventura, CA. I am honored to be a guest speaker at this event along with her, and Evangelist Louise Prince. She wanted me to let the ladies of the Chosen Women Network know about this event. Please let your women's fellowships and ministries know about this event. The cost is $199 per person (double-occupancy) and includes all conference materials, two nights lodging, and four meals. To register please contact First Lady Alice Ross this week at (661) 810-1043.

Now, to the blog . . .

My professor said something last week that was so thought provoking. In fact we have very intriguing discussions each week. I jotted down his statement, "What you bathe in is what you smell like." Simple, yet profound.

This week I have a simple question for you. It is the same question that came to me as I sat in class thinking about what he'd said. "WHAT DO YOU SMELL LIKE?"

When people come around do you give off the distinct aroma of Jesus? Do you smell like a sweet and acceptable sacrifice unto the Lord? Is there a hint of faith wafting around you? Will people get the sweet smell of love in their nostrils if they come into your presence?

Or will they find the stinky smell of gossip coming out of your mouth? Will their noses be assaulted with jealousy if they were flies on the wall hearing your telephone conversations, or if they were standing over your shoulder viewing your emails? Will they get the stench of lying, divisiveness, hatred and stinginess if they come your way?

Most importantly, how would Jesus describe your smell? What we are bathing in is the aroma that we exude. It is time for us to really start paying attention to the smell of those individuals and groups with whom we spend time. Remember, 'birds of a feather flock together'? If you are bathing with buzzards . . . well. Buzzards fly around looking for vile, dead things in which to partake. I try to surround myself with people that smell like Jesus. That's my favorite scent.

What are you bathing in? What do you smell like? Food for thought. Thanks professor!

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

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Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.