Monday, April 26, 2010

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Earlier today I was thinking about when I first got saved. Though I grew up in church, I was in no wise saved according to the scriptures. I went to church sometimes but my lifestyle was not at all conducive to the holiness and sanctification that God mandates for those that He calls His own. I did not come into that knowledge until I was in my early 20s.

One of my friends from high school had gotten saved and we ran into each other. She invited me to her church. I reluctantly agreed. I visited one Sunday morning and my life was forever changed.

From the very first time that I heard Bible truth ministered like that I knew there was a difference. It was not like anything I had experienced to that point in a church. I promise I thought that preacher was talking directly to me. The things he said penetrated my heart. He had my number!

Also, I noticed almost immediately how different the people where. They definitely had something that I did not. It was amusing how they greeted each other with, "Praise the Lord," instead of, "Hello." But I knew it was even more than their tasteful attire and spiritual talk -- there was something on the inside of many of them that shined so brightly. It was so tangible. It was so real. And I knew that I did not have what they had. It did not take me being around them very long and hearing more of that Bishop's preaching before I decided that I had to have "It" too.

I am quite grieved by the fact that today, much of the church wants so desperately to not have that difference and that uniqueness that drew me to Christ. Many in the church are doing all that they can to look exactly like the world from which they are calling souls to come. I honestly just don't get it.

When I got ready to be saved I did not want what I had just come from. I was ready for holiness. No, I did not know how to live it. I was not even sure if I could be successful at it. I simply knew that I wanted it. I knew that I needed it -- I needed Jesus. I trusted those people that seemed to already have Him and love Him so much to show me the way.

I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I am encouraged to stick with and uphold the standard that drew me to the altar. Holiness is a blessed gift from God. He loved me enough to inform me what would be required to see Him in peace. Then, He gave me what I needed to abide in this life -- the Holy Ghost. You see, that is what they had that I did not have. That is what shined bright in their lives and made them so beautiful in my eyes.

When people are ready to be saved, they do not want the muck and the mire in which they are already stuck. They want to be cleansed and made new. That's if they are ready! If it takes your debasing the precious name of Jesus and His glorious ministry of reconciliation to draw a souls, then that soul is not ready to be drawn. I am reminded of Paul talking about our liberty becoming a stumblingblock. Yes, Paul became all things to all men to win some -- but Paul also made it clear that he did not lose his bearings in Christ to do so. Just keep lifting up Jesus.

A young woman came to the altar this Sunday and told me, "I want what you and these women have!" To me there is no greater testimony. I assured her that I, Lisa, was just like her. I informed her that what she saw and desired was the Spirit of the Living God. And you know I introduced her to Him just like those precious men and women did for me.

If you've moved away, please get back to the standard saints.
Let us live a standard so somebody can get savedl. And I do not mean this new saved where there is no transformation -- I mean SAVED for real.

If you are holding up the blood stained banner do not get weary -- paydays coming after while! Is anybody seeing these earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, international peace meetings, wars, etc.? He is about to crack the sky and I am going to be on my post. What about you?

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Check out the "CW Conference" page of this website for Chosen Women Conference Info and Registration Form!
Monday, April 19, 2010

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

"Lord, Make Me Better!" This is the theme for the 2010 Chosen Women Conference. It is based in Psalm 51:1-17. My Question? Why didn't somebody tackle me and grapple the pen from my hand before I wrote it! You know, it really would not have mattered because the theme was already birthed in my Spirit by the Living God. I simply have to be the first partaker in what it means to be made better.

I am learning that before you can be made better, He has got to show you where you are worse. You might be good -- but becoming better means He has to reveal where you need strengthening. In other words were your vulnerabilities and weaknesses lie. That process is not comfortable. Someone told me last week the doctor can only help you if you are willing to do what? Take off your clothes and get naked! It is only then that He can check you out and see what ails you!

Sometimes people get mad when you are willing to uncover yourself. Sometimes individuals or groups cannot handle it. Sometimes folks get embarrassed. All that transparency can create a mirror. People do not always like mirrors. I get that. But if you trust Doctor Jesus you will let your guard down and be real with Him.

I am determined to endure Doctor Jesus' comprehensive examination. I got the revelation that tests and examinations are the same thing. So I am in for my examination. When you go into the office there are usually instruments that are used to see into your ears; shine light into your eyes; listen to your heart; gauge your pressure, etc.  Those instruments or tools are used to test you.

Saints, there are going to be individuals or groups that act as those instruments in your life. They are there, being used by Doctor Jesus to test you. Isn't that something? Don't focus on how cold, invasive or sterile the instrument might be. Just focus on the Doctor. Those instruments are purposeful in His hands.

I have decided that while in this process of examination I am not going to be depressed. I am not going to blame anyone else. I am not going to be sad or mad. I am not going to be defensive. I am not going to plead my own case. I am going to simply take the poking and the prodding as He inspects me and my fruit. In His strength I can take it. His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

I am focused on my Doctor. I want to hear His results. What are His findings? Whatever He finds I have this assurance -- I know it is not terminal!

I know He will have a tried and tested treatment, and a great prognosis. I am willing to follow His instructions to the letter and take the medicine so that I can get the clean bill of spiritual health that I so desire.
In the end I am going to be made better. I am going to continue under His care until He presents me faultless and declares unto me, "Well done!"

Stay tuned to the Chosen Women station. By September I will have a victory report to share with you all as we gather in Valencia, CA!

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Check out the "Corporate" page of this website for Chosen Women Conference Flyers and Registration Form!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I pray that this day finds you well, and encouraged to joyfully move forward in the tasks set before you. I have often referenced the thought that came from my First Lady many years ago. She taught us that even if the task set before you and ordained into your life by God is vacuuming your house, changing children's diapers or even supervising staff it IS worship unto the Lord WHEN it is done well, and with praise and acknowledgment of the Lord.

This lesson has literally shaped my whole thought process towards my life since that time. I am able to see Godly purpose and value in all aspects of my life. I think perhaps
I see it because I look for it.

I have observed that for some people it is not easy for them to identify the "God" in their day to day activities. I have personally met many that were unfulfilled believing that their life did not currently have much merit; and they were looking to do something to 'make their mark.' For me it is quite the opposite. I have come to see God's purposefulness in much of what I do. No, I do not see perfection in my life -- but I do see purpose!

For example, I see God's divine providence in having me walk through the halls of academia securing undergraduate and graduate degrees -- and even in my plan to return. I can admit that the resulting benefits and open doors have not always been what I imagined and dreamed of within myself. I was looking forward to using MY degrees to do what I wanted. Little did I know that God's plan was to use that training and background to bring me into a profession and positions that exactly paralleled and supported my ministry call. Because I perceive His purposefulness in my life I now see how ministry overlaps work; and then overlaps my entire life.

My professional goal was big bucks and top positions. God's plan was healing, deliverance and help for people in need -- both inside and outside of the church. God's plan does not always look like the picture we would paint. But that is okay because if we are in Him it is not our life that we are living anyway. His purpose does not always take into account MY plans -- but I must remind myself that my life is no longer my own. If I am sold out for Jesus then it is only in Him that I find my true life and purpose. Besides, I am supposed to be dead, right? Our dear Apostle Paul said it best when writing to the Colossians -- "
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
" (3:3)

Someone reading right now feels that you have wasted so much time. God said raising those children with morals and God knowledge was exactly what you were supposed to be doing! Do not beat yourself up! He said those thoughts that you hear are not His thoughts towards you -- they are the accusations of the enemy. He is the accuser of the brethren -- not God. I wonder if my mom Jewel ever felt unfulfilled or overwhelmed. She was an exemplary professional woman AND a phenomenal homemaker. She could have never known that all that she demonstrated to me -- from cleaning to cooking to exhibiting superior morals and manners -- would be so used in my life to instruct other young women who had no "Jewel" in their lives. I am making a difference in the lives of others in part because she made a difference in mine.

Today I want you to see that God is using you mightily even though you might not yet run a Fortune 500 company or govern a city or state. Our lives have purpose as long as we are fulfilling the will of the One who died for us all.

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Well that is certainly not what I sat down to write -- but someone in our network must need to hear just that -- have a wonderful week in Him!

Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.