


Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Sin. I cannot get it out of my mind. The topic will not leave my spirit. The subject has been in my spirit the whole week. I waited another day to write to you hoping that another topic would manifest in my spirit. It has not.

People claiming to be saved and born again yet participating in willful acts of disobedience against the Word, and God's particular will for their lives. Sick of it.

People preaching the gospel; witnessing; sporting church bumper stickers on their cars and posting churchy statuses on their Facebook and Twitter -- but tearing down saints and sinners alike in their gossipping, backbiting conversation. Sick of it.

Doing evil deeds; being offensive
; being unkind; saying awful things; telling people off, cussing folks out; being mean-spirited; doing dirty works and hiding your hands -- THEN never apologizing; going on like it never happened; never humbling yourself to FEEL sorry -- much less being sorry and saying, "I apologize for how I behaved -- please forgive me." But you're on that church pew every week -- even up in the pulpit. Sick of it.

Youth leaders that say and do outlandish things such that your little charges do not even respect you and call you 'fake' behind your back. (I know this because they've come to me seeking counsel) Sick of it.

Women sitting in the church smiling in the First Lady's face and secretly thinking that she does not deserve her position next to the man of God; and moreover how much better of a job you could do in her shoes. Sick of it.

Collars up to the neck and hems to the floor -- not a drop of MAC cosmetics, no lip color -- just clear gloss, no eyeliner, no red, no "worldly" representation anywhere; BUT MEAN AS A JUNK YARD DOG. Sick of it.

Shacking up with your dude (pretending you're married and you KNOW you did not get married. Like my former Pastor used to say, "You got to get a license to fish or to have a dog . . . But he won't get a license to be with YOU?!) but will cut somebody if they do not call you Prophetess--Evangelist.--Minister--Mother. Yes, even mother. Sick of it.

Every other sentence out of your mouth is a lie but on the Praise Team sending out your strange fire in the camp. Sick of it.

Robbing God; not giving as He says -- seeing needs and doing nothing to help when you can -- turning a deaf ear when God tells you to give. Sick of it.

Pretending that you do not hear the Lord telling you to leave--stay--shut up--speak up--help--move--clean--throw away--give away--come up--study--pray--fast, etc. And not doing it because you choose to pretend you do not hear Him. It is willful disobedience. It is sin. Sick of it.

So concerned about some acknowledgment from the pulpit or from some man or woman. Glory seeking. "They didn't even acknowledge me! I did it! I helped! I gave! It was because of ME!" Sick of it.

No love. No compassion. No witness. No patience. No time to focus your time on another. No time to be inconvenienced for the purpose of building--supporting--encouraging another. No willingness to sacrifice to help build another. Wondering what the little you do is taking away from you. Wondering if they are going to give back equally to you. Ill motives. Sick of it.

Galatians 5:19 ~ Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), envy, drukenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)

James 5:16a ~ Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

I have prayed. I said to myself this morning, "Lord, why am I feeling so sick of sin! I hate sin as You do -- but why is it overwhelming me so at this time -- why do I feel so SICK OF SIN?!"

He told me, "You minister my Word. These are MY thoughts. I made you feel sick of sin because I AM sick of sin. Let My people know!"

And I have. My soul is delivered. If you find yourself; turn away. He is so soon to come.

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

This week's inspirational message is in the form of a poem -- I pray that it blesses you. If you sometimes feel that you are in a losing battle -- never becoming victorious; perhaps you have begun to fight the battle on your own. Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

At the Foot of the Cross
Written by Marcia Krugh Leaser

Fearing the battle was over
And I'd already lost the war,
I was tired of trying and failing.
I just couldn't fight anymore.

So, dragging my battle-scarred body,
I crawled to the foot of the cross.
And I sobbed. 'Oh please, Father forgive me.
But I tried . . . I tried . . . and still lost.'

Then the air grew silent around me.
I heard His voice just as clear as the dawn:
'Oh, My child, though you are tired and weary,
You can't stop, you have to go on.'

At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him,
At the foot of the Cross, where He died,
I felt love, as I knelt in His presence.
I felt hope, as I looked in His eyes.

Then He gathered me lovingly to Him,
As around us God's light clearly shone.
And together we walked though my lifetime
To heal every wound I had known.

I found bits of my dreams, long forgotten,
And pieces of my life on the floor.
But I watched as He tenderly blessed them,
And my life was worth living once more.

I knew then why I had been losing.
I knew why I had not grown.
At the foot of the Cross came the answer:
I'd been fighting the battle alone.

At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him,
At the foot of the Cross, where He died,
Then I knew I could face any challenge
Together -- just my Lord and I.
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

The Lord woke me up early Sunday Morning. I'd somehow fallen asleep with the television playing. I sat up wide awake and the Lord directed my attention towards the CNN broadcast that was playing. The reporter was chronicling the last twelve months of weather mayhem and the tragedies that had occurred as a result. She sat speaking of areas all over the globe ranging from Moscow to the continental U.S.and many places in between.

I was surprised at her obviously concerned demeanor on air . . . dare I even say fear? The Lord wanted me to hear this reporter give this atypical recounting of this story and to hear her fearfully ask on this far reaching network, "What does this all mean?"

The Lord immediately began to speak to me and to say, "Know that you are blessed to be counted as worthy to serve Me in these last days. I am gathering My harvest. I am soon to come. Do not be timid. You satisfied the tests and requirements to be chosen and used at this time. Think it not strange that overwhelming heart that you have towards souls -- it is your purpose. Your main thought in spiritual matters is to see souls saved. Go forth, do not be timid, and fulfill your purpose while you live!" Moreover, He impressed upon to encourage certain others in the same wise.

So, at the command of the Lord I will not be timid. If He has called you out and separated you for a unique purpose in this season of mankind -- then go forth and fulfill it while it is day. Night is coming. Do not be hindered by nonspiritual opinions, fear induced boundaries, nor the control of man. I now more than any other time in my life realize that I will have to stand before Him and give an account of what I did with His gifts, His Word, and His plan for me.

I plan to avail myself all the more for His gifts in me to be used to the profit of the body. I plan to eat even more of His Word, and pray more to strengthen myself so that I can give it out with more authority and power. And, I purpose to fully give myself to His plan even more understanding better the privilege that it is to be chosen. If you have also been chosen I  encourage you to do the same.

In Service for the Master,
Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

P.S. -- Thank you to all who have paid your balance for the 2010 CHOSEN WOMEN CONFERENCE! Please be reminded that all monies are due by 8/31/10 at the latest. If you do plan to come but have not sent in a registration form or money then you must communicate with us. We will not be able to guarantee you a space if you have not done so.

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Matthew 5:16 ~ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

I pray that you are blessed and well! Summer is winding down and many of us are preparing for fall, back to school, end of summer vacations, etc. Enjoy the remaining weeks of this wonderful season!

My thought for today centers on us as ambassadors for Christ. Jesus' greater works in the earth realm are often carried out through those of us that are born again. I believe that really coming to this understanding positions us to be used profoundly by Him.

When we come to understand that we are here for that purpose AND avail ourselves to be used, we become more attentive to the Holy Ghost in this area. Our ears and heart become more inclined towards Him and ready to be directed for His spiritual use. I can testify that since I 'got it' life has been more than interesting. Literally daily the Lord sends persons into my pathway for some spiritual purpose. It could be for them to receive prayer for the baptism of the Holy Ghost; it could be for them to receive water baptism; it could be for them to receive a smile, a hug or a compliment to encourage them -- it is for them to receive from the Lord whatever it is that He intends for them in that moment. It is the planting of a seed or the watering of a seed -- all with the understanding that He gets the increase.

It is also important to understand that all glory goes to God. It is not about us; it's about Jesus!. We simply are doing our reasonable service after obtaining this glorious salvation! We do not seek or take glory; we just come to understand who we are in Christ. I am His mouth, His arms, His embrace, His Words -- whatever He calls upon me to be in the moment. And He gets all the glory!

When we understand this we can have more experiences of being used by Him to impact the lives of others, because we would simply and humbly avail ourselves. Not in an overbearing, self promoting fashion -- but in a spirit of letting our light so shine so our Father is glorified.

If we really understood our role as ambassadors you know what we would do? We would simply be nice. We would be cool. We would be approachable. We would not be stuck up. We would not be condescending and aloof. We would not dis people that are not in our circle or clique.

I have come to believe that having character and being Christ like can sometimes draw more souls that the most fiery sermon. I have learned that our life preaches as loudly and as profoundly as scripture. More than that, I have learned that a raggedy life and a messed up attitude can destroy our 45 minute message. It can make people laugh behind our back when we say we are "saved." I know because so many of have said to me, "Ms. Lisa, they say they are saved but they don't act like ______." Into that blank they insert the name of one whom they perceive as walking the walk -- not just talking the talk. Question -- would your family, co-workers, neighbors, church family, etc., insert your name in that blank space?

Dear Chosen Women and friends -- let us let our light so shine -- for real, for real.
Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Last night after baths I enjoyed some 'Doing Nothing' time with my son. The parenting class that I teach describes this as time set aside with no focused activity or goal other than to be present with your child. I love this concept and have purposefully made time for it since his birth.

My son has a love of books and a vivid imagination, which I encourage. Last night instead of reading a book I told him we were going to make up a story. He got excited. He was familiar with us making up a story. Usually I will start the story, then he adds to it, and we go back and forth. This time I said, "No, you make up a story."

After a pause he began to describe the characters. He said, "Okay mom, I am a Superhero! I have power. I can fly! And I am going to save you!" I was shocked because I never heard him refer to himself as a superhero. I asked him about my character. He said, "Mommy, you are a Princess!" You know he got a big kiss for that one! He then began to act out a story in which I was falling down and a big box was going to hit me. He squashed the box and flew down to catch me. I said, "Thank you Superhero for saving me!" He tried to make the tone of his voice deeper and replied, "You're welcome Princess!"

This morning as I reflect on last night's play with my son it made me think about self-esteem. I often talk to parents about how we shape our child's self-esteem. I encourage them to watch over what they communicate to their children. This morning I am praising God that my son's self-esteem
level causes him to see himself as super, a hero and powerful. He also sees himself as a helper -- a do-gooder. I also understand that this is, in part, because I have learned that the words that I speak to him and the way I interact with his helps to create his self-image. His father and I have worked diligently to make sure that those words and actions would build his spirit -- build good character -- build confidence and self-love.

He is told constantly that he is strong and able. His Auntie Dee-Dee gave me a phrase to teach him to say instead of "I Can't" (which is not allowed in our house). Instead he has been taught to say, "I need help." Of course he forgets and resorts to 'I Can't' when frustrated -- but we immediately redirect him to remember that he simply 'needs help.' He must understand that he can do all things -- through Christ Jesus.

We also understand that negative words and comments can take root and negatively inform his opinion of himself. Therefore, he is never told that he is stupid, bad, or unimportant. I remember even being corrected in the use of my vernacular on this blog when I called him "crazy." I meant funny -- comical. But, you know what? I took that correction because I do understand the power of words. I have tightened up my ship even more so in not just what I say TO him -- but how I communicate ABOUT him. I will not put things into the atmosphere that are negative. I have a goal to positively impact the life of my child. I want to help build a foundation of confidence and love in his life on which he can build a life of success.

As I began writing I thought that I would take this week's blog into a direction of contrasting our relationship with our children to the Lord's relationship with us -- His children. Yet I do not find myself being led in that direction. I feel in my spirit that someone reading needs to simply read about our role as parents. We in the body of Christ must understand that our first ministry is our family.

I often talk to my husband about us ensuring that we do not neglect our family for ministry. I have seen that some of the saint's children are broken because they were not viewed as their parent's first ministry. As their parents shouted and ran the walls of the church the children were lost right in the pews. Uh, oh Lord -- where is this going. Saints, I just write what comes out of my spirit. I know that all children gone astray is not because of this reason -- but we do need to take a critical look at this issue.

Some parents have simply made mistakes. This is not written to judge. I believe it is written to help those of us coming along the way with younger children. I tell my husband, "I do not want my son to ever hate church or God because we did not rightly present God and church to him." I understand that children eventually make their own choices -- as did we. I just do not want any negative choice to be influenced by me. SO . . . I will not allow his only social outlet to be at the church -- I have to make time for him with ME. I will not fill my calendar with so many meetings and services that I do not have time to go over homework with him -- read books to and with him -- go to the museum and zoo with him, etc.

I will not put my trust in men and release him to constant unsupervised care of others just because they are "in church." I will not leave him open to violation and danger. I will parent my child. God has given me that charge and that responsibility -- and I say, "Yes."

Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.