Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I pray that you are well, and persevering in Christ! This is certainly no time to retreat. In fact, if you have remained faithful to your Husbandman, Christ Jesus, this is a glorious season for you. That is, if you have not embraced the trickery and enticements of the past decade or more in the church world.

If you have remained faithful you might not have been as popular or called upon as some of your contemporaries. Don’t worry – your time is coming! Right now you are surely in transition. The transition is a positioning preparing you to participate in the greatest revival of our time. Azuza Street will pale in comparison to the coming revival and harvest. True prophetic ears and eyes see and hear the coming of the Lord!

Now, I must admit that transition can be tricky – but don’t let it make you nervous. Let it excite you. The King is coming! This is not a time to fear – this is the time to trust!

This morning I was thinking about a long ago incident. A sister in the Lord really made a food dish well and I praised her highly! The dish was absolutely delicious, and she agreed to give me the recipe! I tried it, but mine did not taste like hers. I chalked it up to just not having her touch.

Time went on and she continued to observe my interaction with the saints. I had no problem sharing my gifts, talents, ability – all was freely given to me so I just gave it back out! One day a woman wanted my peach cobbler recipe. I gladly gave it to her; voicing my hope that her family would love it as my friends and family did. I saw no reason to withhold it. I wanted her to be able to bring smiles to the faces of her husband and children too. Why not?

A few days later the woman who had given me a recipe took me aside. She admitted leaving a key ingredient out of the recipe she’d given me. I was shocked! What was THAT all about? Well, God told me to write about it today. I had not thought about it in probably 10 years. Today God reminded me of the incident and told me that her actions were based in fear.

She feared that someone else might make it just as well. She feared losing some of her glory. What a sad commentary. It is too bad that she did not understand that when we give out God gives us much more back -- from simple matters like this and in much weightier issues.

I was thinking how that through the years I have watched some church leaders – pastors, first ladies, elders, etc. – promote saints to positions of leadership. Then, I watched the leaders undermine the success of the promoted. I have watched leaders withhold key information, impeding success. I have watched leaders purposely draw attention back to them instead of empowering the designated leader through open shows of support and encouragement. Leaders know that if we publicly support designees it makes it a little easier for them to lead. So then, why would leaders withhold the support and information? Often it is fear.

They think, “If they are successful and empowered then where does that leave me?” Again, what a sad commentary. Great leaders want to build greater leaders. Just as loving parents want more for their children than even they have achieved.

A few months ago my family was visiting an aunt. As often happens when we go places, there was a soul there wanting salvation. We took her into a separate room to share the gospel and pray for the Holy Ghost to fill her. She was soon gloriously filled and speaking in other tongues as the spirit of the Lord gave her the utterance. She had been baptized in Jesus’ name some weeks prior and we took joy in showing her in the scriptures how she had used the keys given first to Apostle Peter!

When we went back to the family room to rejoice with the rest of the household we found them interviewing our son. They told us, “We asked Amir if he was going to be a preacher like his dad?” They reported that Amir said, “No, I’m going to be better!” We were thrilled.

We continue to remind our son of his declaration; and seek the Lord about how to help him fulfill his vision. When he walked into the church with me on Sunday and saw the new baptismal which he had not seen in our church before he said, “Oh, there is it. I had a dream that I am going in there when I am 7.” He had never shared that with us before.  Who is he in the kingdom? I have no idea – but I believe for greatness for him. And not only for my son – for all the sons of God that want to serve Him in excellence. I do not need to try to douse their shine for fear that it will dim my own. That mindset is not of God.

I want to admonish every kingdom leader to determine to strengthen all those around you towards greatness. Do not hold back from them what you are able to give them as led by the Lord. I know we cannot give babes meat -- that is not what I mean. I mean do not withhold from them for fear. When you give them everything you’ve got – when you have poured out all that you have, something miraculous will happen. God will give you more!

God will take you higher! God will challenge you to go further! You will be taken out of your comfort zone! It’s time to stop holding onto the old. Give it all away and let God give you the new wine He’s been holding for you! Let Him stretch you. Let Him transition you. He wants to use you like never before – but you’ve got to let go of the familiar, give it away, and let Him make you BETTER!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I pray that you had a wonderful weekend of Mother's Day celebration. I stretched it out until the very last seconds on Sunday -- late into the evening making my requests known to my guys because, "It's STILL Mother's Day!" LOL Sometimes it is okay to embrace a moment set aside for you!

Please take a moment to click on the "Events" page to view your personal invitation to the Shining Light Praise Temple's W.A.I.T. (Women Abiding in Truth) Annual Spring Luncheon hosted by my dear friends W.A.I.T. President Lady Victoria Hardy, and First Lady Lucretia Thornton of Shining Light Praise Temple. I attended this wonderful event last year and had such a great time I wanted to be sure that you knew all about it. I plan to there, and would love to see you!

For tickets ($20 for adults includes your lunch; $10 for children under 12) please contact Sis. Victoria Hardy at (661) 916-618, or email me at [email protected]. We will be blessed by the awesome ministry of Pastor Hope Benn of Connection 4 Life World Outreach Ministries, our luncheon guest speaker!

I found this little poem online, and thought it was interesting. I will post it 2InspireU and ask -- what kind of sea are you?

Two Seas

There are two seas in Palestine. One is fresh, and fish are in it. Splashes of green adorn its banks. Trees spread their branches over it and stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of its healing waters. Along its shores the children play, as children played when He was there. He loved it. He could look across its silver surface when He spoke His parables. And on a rolling plain not far away He fed five thousand people.

The River Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from the hills. So it laughs in the sunshine. And men build their houses near to it, and birds their nests; and every kind of life is happier because it is there.

The River Jordan flows on south into another sea. Here is no splash of fish, no fluttering leaf, no song of birds, no children's laughter. Travelers choose another route, unless on urgent business. The air hangs heavy above its water, and neither man nor beast nor fowl will drink.

What makes this mighty difference in these neighbor seas? Not the river Jordan. It empties the same good water into both. Not the soil in which they lie not the country about.

This is the difference. The Sea of Galilee receives but does not keep the Jordan. For every drop that flows into it another drop flows out. The giving and receiving go on in equal measure.

The other sea is shrewder, hoarding its income jealously. It will not be tempted into any generous impulse. Every drop it gets, it keeps.

The Sea of Galilee gives and lives. This other sea gives nothing. It is named The Dead. There are two kinds of people in the world. There are two seas in Palestine.

by Gayle D. Erwin

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

(Romans 5:3-5) Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us.

My profession seems to require endless continuing education seminars and trainings. Occasionally they are really good; even God inspired. Such was the case last Friday.

As I listened to an awesome speaker share a presentation on the impact of trauma on women and girls my thoughts went directly to ministry. There were so many significant things that were shared; and I received so much revelation from the Lord. I'll share just one part with you.

As she closed the presenter shared an anecdote about how an individual could fracture a bone as a child. Though the bone may be reset and even heal; future x-rays even many years later will still reveal the point of the break. Doctors looking at the x-ray even years later can say, "Oh, I see you broke this bone some time ago." The broken place does not go away. But one thing is true -- the bone is now strongest at the point of that break. The bone grew thicker and stronger at that broken place to fortify it. Did you know that your brokenness came to make you stronger?

I heard a dear friend talk about being dropped. Sometime even as saints of the Most High God we experience things in which we feel that we have been dropped -- even by God. I pondered this thing for quite a while because I realized that at times I had felt the same way. One day as I was driving in my car thinking about it the Lord declared to me, "I have never dropped anyone!" He spoke it so definitively to me that I had to pull my car over!

He said, "When you drop something it means you have lost control of it. You have lost your ability to hold and handle it. It has come out of your grasp. Or perhaps you are startled by something that causes you to lose hold of the thing that you are handling." I felt overwhelmed by the weight of God's Word to me that day. He wanted me to clearly understand.

He said, "I never lose control! I never lose ability! I have never dropped anything that belongs to Me -- and I am never startled! Nothing catches me by surprise!" Then He said, "I don't drop you; but I do BREAK you!"

He then gave me a vision of clay, a wheel and the hand of a Potter. I saw the Potter shaping the clay and forming it into a vessel. As He applied pressure something broke through the surface of the vessel. I saw Him draw the vessel in close. From my vantage point in the vision I only saw the hand -- so I assume He brought it in for a closer look. Then He moved it back out -- while still holding it in His hand -- AND BROKE IT!

I realized in the vision that it was God applying the pressure! I saw His pressure bring something that had been unseen to the surface. I realize He is going to continue this process of molding and breaking until we are made into what He ordained us to be. What He demonstrated to me is that each time He re-forms us we are better -- and we are stronger. Is there any real difference between being dropped or broken? It can certainly FEEL the same. But there is most definitely a difference. God still has us firmly in His grasp -- and He knows when to let up on the pressure. He is not going to let it be beyond our ability to bear.

Please, don't allow your brokenness to make you stop moving forward. That friend who spoke of being dropped? She is doing just fine. God ministered to her and she is moving forward. But through that experience He wanted me to gain a greater revelation of His breaking role in my life -- in our lives. We cannot allow the pain of brokenness to make us give up. Sister, don't allow past pain to make you afraid to step out again. You CAN love again. You CAN preach again. You CAN launch another business. Yes they rejected you before -- but so what? It is okay to give yourself again even after the hurts of the past. There is so little time left; Jesus is so soon to come back! You can't wait on the sidelines of life anymore nursing your old broken place. Let God heal it!

Don't worry about the past mistakes. This time you are wiser. I know it broke you down last time, but this time you are stronger. You are better. Your discernment is keener. Don't be afraid of stumbling again -- you will be sober and not driven by anything that is not God focused. The brokenness has brought you to a point that you don't NEED the thing. Now God can trust you with it because it won't drive you or distract you from Him! Know why? Your brokenness has made you stronger than you know!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I am so happy in Jesus! God has given me more clarity about my reality and my destiny! I am so encouraged! I am writing to encourage you to "Hold Fast to God's Word."

Please, please, please, do not let anything deter you from the Word of God concerning your life, your purpose and your ministry! Hold fast to what He said to YOU! Hold on to it! Stand on it! Obey it! And guard against those that would speak into your life things contrary to what the Lord has given. Yes, He might send clarification or further edification -- but be sober in your hearing. Do not be anxious. The apostle spoke to us in I John 4:1 saying "Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world." (New Living Translation)

An astonishing example of this is given to us in I Kings 13. Most are familiar with the story of the man of God from Judah who, by the Lord's command, traveled to Bethel. When He got there he prophesied over the king under the unction of the Holy Ghost. He was not a lying prophet -- his  prophesies came to pass. This man of God had power with God! Yet, he did not hold fast to the Word the Lord God had given him!

The man of God from Judah testified himself in verse 9 that the Lord commanded him to eat or drink nothing while in Bethel, but to return to Judah the same way he came. But an "old prophet" got him sidetracked. Now you would expect something OUTSIDE the church to get him sidetracked -- but he go sidetracked from someone supposedly on the same team! Jesus, it's still happening today!

The man of God told the old prophet that he could not come and dine with him at his home because the Lord had given him clear instructions. Yet in verse 18 the old prophet answered to the man of God, “I am a prophet, too, just as you are. And an angel gave me this command from the Lord: ‘Bring him home with you so he can have something to eat and drink.” Sounds like a fallen angel was talking to him! Of course the old prophet was lying. I have a question -- "Who are you letting speak to you?" I do not care if it is a "prophet, bishop or apostle," if it does not line up leave it and let God deal with it. You just keep walking in the Word of the Lord!

Notice that the text continued to call the lying man a prophet even though he lied! I always thought that was heavy! You can simply be wayward, backslidden -- and CALLED! Amazing. We must be careful not to have THAT testimony. Surely an account will have to be given for this type of thing.

Saints, please be careful when people speak things in your life that are contrary to the instructions that God gave to you! Do not be moved by titles. Who knows the motivation of this prophet to lie to the man of God? Perhaps he wanted to have real, authentic, Holy Ghost power back in his house.

Perhaps the lack of character in the life of the lying prophet had caused a breach in his ministry that he hoped to have restored through this real man of God. Yet he was not willing to live the truth and sanctification that produces Godly power! Sometimes people want to use the gift of God that is within you. But the gift of God is subject to the Holy Ghost. Do not be so excited about an invitation! (Uh-Oh!)

Don't just go because they ask you to come! The gift of God within us is priceless and given by God for His purpose. I do not care what perks the invitation garners; I'm not going unless Jesus says to go. Period.

Who knows why the man of God's ears would be pricked to receive the false word. 2 Timothy 4:3 (NIV) For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. I have always looked at this scripture thinking who has the itching ears -- the hearers or the teachers? I assert that it could be either. Sometimes the minister wants so badly to hear the 'amens' and 'ata girls/boys' so badly that they will give a pleasing message when the Holy Ghost is sending a convicting Word. The work of ministry is not the place to work on your self-esteem issues. Jesus made Himself of no reputation -- we should do the same. It's not about us -- it's about JESUS!

Maybe something in him desired to be celebrated. All we know is that it cost him his very life! His life and ministry snuffed out for carnal thinking and fleshy satisfaction.

I encourage you not to listen to the lies. Hold fast to what God told you. If there are things that other people think are permissible in ministry that God tells you to steer clear from -- STEER CLEAR! If God told you to go west but the saints say, "Stay," -- GO WEST!

Jesus is too close to returning for us to leave our works undone. I do not care who does not like it -- I am staying with the Master's Plan for my life. Make up in your mind that I'm not listening to the lying prophet. Yes, they might hear from God; but they can't hear for me because they mingle Truth with lies!

Do not be satisfied with spiritual half-truths! God is calling His people back to the soundness and truth wherein they first believed. If you have another word for me sorry, I'm just not listening! The cost is too great!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I greet you all once again in the saving name of our Lord and Savior, which is Jesus Christ!
Sometimes we do something with a genuine intent -- yet it yields horrible results. Ever happen to you? Well, it has happened to me this week.

When I write to you I write from my spirit-man, and with an open heart. I am a woman that does not mind the exposure from which many shrink. Why? Because my First Lady taught that disclosure is a part of ministry, and I accepted that. I do not have a problem sharing what I experience and how it makes me feel -- even if it exposes my humanity. I care most about somebody being saved, helped or encouraged to live his or her best life in Christ.

It has just not always been my luxury to keep quiet! LOL And it's not deep. Sometimes God just uses our lives for His purpose. Period. Didn't he give Hosea an unusual instruction regarding his choice of bride? Why? For God's own purpose. I embrace my life in Christ with all of its costs. But one thing I never, ever intend or seek to do along the way is to offend or hurt another of God's precious children.

Someone has been hurt by what I wrote to you. Yes, the principles were sound. But sharing in the way that I did has caused offense -- and that was not my intent. And so because my goal is to live by example and not just words I am removing my last post because it hurt a sister in Christ. I love her; and that's enough to take it down. Have a blessed week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

I greet you all with the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I ask you to visit the "Events" page for important announcements about the postponement of the 2011 Chosen Women Conference. And now, our message entitled, "Friendship."


This morning I was reading a bit about the covenant friendship between David and Jonathan in I Samuel 20. Friendship has been a topic in the forefront of my spirit all week.

Friendship is addressed often in the Word of God. Proverbs 18:24 speaks of a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I believe Jesus to be that Friend. Yet, God will allow other friendships to exist in our lives. In fact, He instructed us in how to cultivate them; by first showing ourselves friendly.

Sometimes friendships come into existence for the purpose of sharpening and reproving us. The person to whom God connects us sometimes pushes us to be better. My husband often terms it 'provoking us to Godly jealousy.' He talks about them having an excellency of spirit that makes us go harder after God. That can be a great thing!

I have also learned that friendship can come for the purpose of healing us in places that we did not know we needed healing. I saw Oprah Winfrey cry as she spoke of her long-time friend Gayle King as 'the mother she never had,' and in other glowing terms. God can bring healing to us through friendships. His love for us is often demonstrated through the words, kindness, and embraces of others.

I did not know that I needed a particular healing through friendship until it happened. My life in ministry seems to require a constant turnover of people. They come and they go. It took a while for me to stop taking that personally, and to realize that some people are around me seasonally for a spiritual and usually prophetic purpose.

Yet God saw fit to bring a sister-friend into my life who has demonstrated that David and Jonathan kind of friendship. Many of us have had a Saul in our lives. You know what I mean. When that person who should be a loving, supporting mentor-father-mother foolishly lets jealousy and anger escort them into the realm of hatred towards you.

Instead of them allowing a beautiful God union of strength and support to grow and mutually benefit you, they kill it. And they kill the union because they are unwilling to live up to the standards that the friendship requires. You ever been the David to that type of Saul? Have you ever been the Saul? Moving on . . .

I've had a Saul-David experience in my life. Once I was pushed out, my Saul began to hurl his javelin of insult and backbiting towards me. But this sister-friend refused to accept it. She began to question "Saul" just as Jonathan did as he sat at the feast of his father. "What has she done to you? Hasn't she been faithful and good?" My sister-friend recognized that I had done nothing; and she spoke up for me in my absence.

She saw that I was being attacked because this Saul could not stomach my stand for holiness. He did not think it took all of that. He became concerned about the people thinking well of me. His answer to his fears was to concoct lies and to forbid them to talk to me. He hurled his javelin trying to kill me -- or at least kill my name and reputation. And in many ways his mission was accomplished. But my friend -- my Jonathan -- would not go along with the plan.

Saul offered her a position to go against me. She would not take it. He offered to put her up in HIS pulpit to go against me. She said, "No." She told him, "You speak against her and treat her poorly and she did nothing wrong. In time you will do the same to me if I go along with you."

Most people do not have the character to say no to the Saul and to stand with the David. To stand with the David is to stand in the less popular position. You might have to hide out in caves if you go along with the David. To stand with the David means you will likely experience some of the same attacks that he experiences. David's soldiers became the enemies of Saul too. But when it all boils down to it to go with David is to go with God.

If you have been in this position do not hate the followers of Saul who went against you. They are weak; pray for them. They are going to need it when Saul turns on them.

Most people do not have the integrity to stand for right. Most people let the Saul put them in his man-made positions. Most people let Saul give them man-made or at least man-timed titles and ordinations instead of waiting on God.

I am glad that my friend said, "No." It seemed to bring healing from the hurt of javelins thrown by Saul and his followers. Funny thing is I did not even know they had affected me -- but God knew. So glad to be free! And to my big sister, thank you for being a friend.

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

This week you are in for a treat! The message of inspiration is entitled, "Don't Despise Your Wilderness: Learning How to Fight The Good Fight!"

A few years ago I was a guest speaker at a Women in White service. The hosts had Minister Jessica Yeargin serve with me. I was so impressed by this powerful, anointed, poised and beautiful young woman of God.

Coming to know Min. Jessica, her precious parents Pastor James Yeargin Sr. and First Lady Wilma Yeargin, and her equally anointed brothers (Benjamin, James Jr., and Christopher) has been such a rich blessing for my family. They have become dear friends and kingdom colleagues. They pastor Rivers of Living Waters Apostolic Outreach Ministry, 17118 East Avenue O, Suite B, Lake Los Angeles, CA 93591, (661) 264-3226.

This year is about hearing from the ministry gifts that the Lord places upon my heart. This week it was Min. Jessica. I know her as one to endure and to stand! Being called at a young age is a blessing -- but it is not easy. Neither is it easy being a PK (Preacher's Kid). I believe the best way to stand the tests and trials is to fall is love with Jesus for yourself; and to develop a true relationship with Him. Min. Jessica has done just that.

Please let her ministry to us challenge and strengthen you. Also, click on her picture to the right to be connected to her website ( where she displays some of her lovely artwork. Minister Jessica -- be encouraged and continue to let God use you mightily. REMEMBER, THIS IS YOUR YEAR OF MANIFESTATION!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Don't Despise Your Wilderness: Learning How to Fight The Good Fight

(1 Samuel 17:37) David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.

We see this event in the Bible rehearsed time and time again, but David truly exemplifies what a heart of a saint should be. David recognized that his wilderness experience was not a horrible place but a place where God proved Himself to His servant. The wilderness taught David how to be a warrior and gave him the tools to be catapulted into his divine destiny at the right time.

David, in this verse and previous verses, states his case to Saul explaining that his wilderness battles equip him to combat and conquer Goliath. There was no reason for Saul to doubt David's capabilities after he heard David's resume of trust in God. When we look at our fleshly limitation we hinder the move of God by not operating in faith. Interestingly enough, the Bible does not record that Saul ever took on a bear or a lion, but David did. This was due to Saul's lack of faith and obedience to God. Saul quickly forgot who called him and what God was capable of.

We have to start looking back and seeing the valiant battles that God has won for us! It does not make logical sense that a small stone would take out a giant, but there's nothing impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

Is there anything to hard for God? When did He become limited or inhibited? When did he stop being the I AM THAT I AM? We must see God in His rightful place as the One and only ALL powerful God. When we, like David, are able to look back and see how powerful He is, the present obstacle is nothing but another opportunity for God to prove Himself!

So as we go through our week, let us not forget the faithful God who is still Mighty, Strong and All Sufficient -- and who has promised to come back for His people.

May God continue to bless you and Maranatha,

Min. Jessica Yeargin
Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

   February already? Unbelievable! Time is certainly not waiting upon us; we better be busy living our best lives NOW! I've heard Oprah use that phrase so often . . . "live your best life." What does that really mean? I'm not so sure exactly what it means to Oprah. To me it means the life promised to me and all of us that believe on the name of Jesus Christ -- the Abundant Life! (John 10:10) Abundant Life means life 'to the full; in abundance -- til it overflows!'

   Some people try to put yokes of bondage back upon the children of God when by definition we should be the freest people on the earth. We have been loosed from the yoke of bondage! I am starting to understand why people try to bind us again. Truth is they are bound and cannot stand the liberty within us. Think about it; liars hate the presence of real, truthful sisters! Fake folks hate the girl whose found comfort in her own skin through Jesus Christ. The fake sister is too busy trying to hide and afraid she'll be seen! Fake means a sweet smile on your lips -- your words are smooth as butter -- but war and hatred are in your heart.

   I am also truly realizing that it is a waste of precious time to be upset with them. It is better to just love them in spite of themselves. That gives us more time to continue living in abundance without risk of wasting time on bitterness and anger. And loving the unlovable adds to your own character. It's easy to love the sweet sister -- but what about the one who's a mess? That's hard! Do it anyway. You might mess around and love that evil nature right out of her!

Now listen, while you're on the site go to the 'Events' page for an exciting announcement about Chosen Women 2011! Have a wonderful week in Him, and remember you are hand-made by the Master Craftsman!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell
"Praise the Lord Chosen Women, and Happy New Year!"

It is my honor to greet you, the wonderful, Godly women that I lovingly call the Chosen Women Network! That network is made up of women that support my vision and ministry by visiting our website, reading our messages of inspiration, participating in our events, and providing financial support to enable us to continue working on our vision to 'strengthen families by providing unique support to women . . . '

This network also includes men. There are many mighty men of valor, brothers, dad, husbands and friends that are connected to us. You read, you support, you encourage, you cover and you are also a part of Chosen Women.

I had not written to you yet in 2011 because I was waiting to hear from the Lord. You see, I do not do this of my own capacity. Whether or not we continue in a like manner, in a different manner, or at all must be determined by God's will and instruction.

I remember standing in the church of a dear friend a few months ago and observed on the wall a beautiful banner indicating their vision for 2010. It had to do with it being the year of harvest. As I stood there I had a thought that a season of harvest is hard. I've never farmed but I imagine it must take great effort and labor to gather a harvest. I remember saying, "Harvest is labor. It is hard. This coming year will be a year of manifestation!"

Some of us spent 2010 harvesting crops we had planted in times past. If you spent 2010 harvesting by moving in obedience to God's instruction, direction, move and commands, receive this prophetic Word from the Lord . . . "This is now your season for MANIFESTATION! You are about to experience a few rewards of your labor. I received that for myself! I am excited about new and instantaneously manifesting favor and blessing!

It could be that you could not say that you met the requirements to receive the Word. Perhaps you have not been numbered among those who were 'working hard moving in obedience to God's instruction, direction, move and commands.' I give to you this Word. GET BUSY! On Sunday my husband said this in his message: "So many people say they want to hear Him say, "Well done. Well, you better get busy! What's He gonna say well done to? What is He going to say well done about? You doing nothing? I'm no longer concerned about what I did. That's under the blood. I'm concerned with what He told me to do that I haven't done!"

Jesus is even at the door, ready to crack the sky and gather His own. What works will you present to Him? No more excuses this year -- get busy! What are you waiting for? What has He told you to do? School? Ministry? Business? Disconnections? Connections? Forgive? Cut-off? Restore? Preach? Teach? What? If you obeyed last year, Congratulations! If not yet repent, and GET BUSY! If you are waiting for your next instruction -- STAND STILL! The Word is on the way. Do not become weary or anxious . . . Jesus has got you!

My vision for the website this year is to feature more of you. God has given me a platform. It was also given to me to empower other women of God. I want to let you know about ministry gifts all over our state who have paid the price to be called anointed. They are called AND chosen. I want you to know them, to call upon them, to use them and let them bless your ministries and lives.

I cannot guarantee you will hear from me each week this year. I am working hard on my way to becoming a licensed therapist. When the Lord leads me I will write to you.
This month I am recommending that you visit the website of Prophetess Vickie Lee of Arnion Ministries. I visited her website the other day and was so blessed by her blog entitled, "Life Elated!" Take your time and peruse the entire site. You will find beautiful and worship invoking presence music and messages full of the depth, power and encouragement. I've provided a link below to make it easy. If you need a speaker for your ministry event, or just to connect with a powerful, prayerful and anointed ministry gift I can recommend Prophetess Lee. She is a jewel, and a gift to the body of Christ.

Have a wonderful week in Him!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

For the last blog of 2010 I have chosen to re-post our first blog of 2010. I pray that you took it to heart in January 2010. I pray that you are better for it. If you did not and you are still alive, there is time to take it to heart and to make a change. Have a blessed and wonderful New Year! Evang. Lisa

Monday, January 25, 2010

Praise the Lord, Chosen Women!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me; bless His holy name! That is my soul's cry this morning -- I simply bless Him for being so all important in my life. I went with some very precious couples this weekend to see the film Book of Eli. It got mixed reviews, but for this group of saved individuals it was awe-inspiring. I have not been able to shake the image of the main character whose conviction and commitment to God and the Word shook me to my core and made me re-evaluate my own conviction.

Then, as if that reminder were not enough my husband preached "Obsessed" on Sunday. Simply put, he told us of how Jesus, after giving all to us, is looking for lovers who will become obsessed with Him to the point of stalking! He is looking for those who will desire Him more than our necessary food; who will seek to be with Him wherever He may be found; who will talk about Him relentlessly like a new teenage crush or our deepest puppy love; who will put nothing before our times together AND who thoughtfully seek for the next time to talk and be together . . . literally obsessed with Him. I will not soon forget that Word. I think it has literally changed the whole game for me. I told him it was one of the most convicting and challenging messages I have ever heard. I was the videographer for Sunday but I think only about 3 minutes actually got taped -- I was too focused on taking every Word into my own spirit.

I challenge you to take some time this week to re-evaluate your relationship with the Lord. Are you an obsessed lover? Be real with yourself. I told Pastor, "Obsessed saints would simply never miss an opportunity to fellowship; to commune; to study; to worship nor to obey Him." They would not put anything before Him. Some of us are obsessed, but not with God.

Our obsessions lie with our children; our mate; finding a mate; keeping a mate; our job; our television; our stomach; our friends; the mall; travel; pampering; nursing old hurts and wounds; our bodies; our looks; vengeance against those that hurt us; anger; laziness; being trendy and in style; texting and talking -- but too few hold Jesus Christ of Nazareth as our obsession. He cannot get as much of our attention as those other things.

Get real with you and get your priorities straight if they are not. We do not want Jesus to make the Rev. 2:4 declaration to us -- that He has against us that we have left our first love. Make sure that your relationship with Him remains the greatest of all things in your life!

In Service for the Master,

Evangelist Lisa Y. Mitchell

Chosen Women, Inc. is a nonprofit benefit corporation established to encourage, exhort and minister to the needs of women ~ especially those wounded and at-risk. Chosen Women is making a difference in the lives of others.